Saucony peregrine fell running exercise

 Saucony peregrine fell running exercise

Who doesn't like a little orange spice in their life, yeah the new Saucony Peregrine 12 is a fun and fast trail shoe that has gone through a complete redesign now lighter and more nimble than ever the paragon 12 seems to be designed for race day or fast tempo efforts over moderately technical terrain in protective comfort a thinner layer of power run midsole is layered with a thin flexible rock plate and five-millimeter power track outsole

lugs underfoot up top is a newly designed thin and light mesh upper with minimal welded overlays and a simplistic build that holds to the foot in a precise way.

These new peregrines are light and fast but will peregrine purists prefer the previous version of the peregrine that was so popular how many peas can I put into a sentence apparently all of them is there enough underfoot in the peregrine 12 to make these my go-to trail grab we'll find out in today's review let's dive I what is up to everybody Ethan Newberry the ginger runner here for another ginger runner review as you can tell I'm firing on all cylinders today in that intro, uh we're gonna get right into it today we're talking about the Saucony peregrine 12. I've reviewed a number of these uh shoes in the past previous versions and whatnot I think this new version is a complete

Overhaul that many of you might like it's an interesting evolution of the shoe and i think it opens up Saucony's trail line to some additional offerings which I'll chat about later in the review uh before i get into the review of course the FTC requires that I let you know that these shoes were provided for review by running warehouse I'm under no obligation to say anything  positive or negative about the shoes I'm not financially compensated in any way for anything that i say in this review no one has to approve this review you're the first to see it with that out of the way let's get into this thing i talk about

The things i like and dislike about every product i review on this channel these are no different but start as always with the things that i like the grip i think these things are incredible with grip um they are using their own outsole rubber it's their power track rubber with five mil lugs which are pretty beefy lugs there's a lot of them this chevron shape i think really contributes to these getting great grip in a multitude of situations so in wet muddy conditions you'll be good i like the power track in this usage i think it works well on sliding surfaces like roots rocks bridges uh creek crossings things like that it performs better than i've experienced in the past i don't know if they've changed the compound or just in this version alone maybe it's wearing in a little bit better which makes it just a bit tackier i get great grip and i think a cool addition is this rock plate that's sort of embedded in the outsole material the protection from underfoot because of are these lugs getting you that grip but the outsole itself is providing just enough protection

Underfoot fit now this is because of this new upper so the upper's been redesigned the welded overlays are pretty minimal but they are in the right places for that protection across uh the toe box and things like that the mesh is lighter it's thinner it's more breathable but what I love is the midfoot fit the lacing system and across the toe box it's a more precise fit and I say that with a bit of an asterisk because I don't think it's Solomon precision fit where sometimes that just doesn't work for people and tends to be a bit narrower I do think that the peregrine 12 has a decent sized toe box a fit across the midfoot that locks your foot down and a really solid heel cup that locks your ankle in as well there's not an abundance of materials to make the fit cumbersome and there's not a reduced amount of materials to make it weak I think you're getting a good mix

in the right places that make this shoe a very good fitting precision shoe speed i'm gonna admit i'm not super fast but I feel fast in this shoe and this shoe is definitely leaning into the more reduced faster more flexible realm so for me i'm not finding myself wanting to run in the shoe over 12 miles 15 miles i just i'm a bigger dude I you're looking for running a trail 5k 10k half marathon this thing could be a really fun option or if you're just looking for a trainer that you can pick up the pace and work on those speedy trail days working on the tempo the peregrine 12 actually does a pretty damn good job of making you feel at one with the trail i'm seeing the word nibble being used a lot in their marketing and i think that's a great descriptor of what these shoes feel like or at least let you feel like think a light sort of reduced slipper that fits really well that makes you feel fast on the trail nice and snappy very responsive that is what you are getting out of the peregrine 12. that being said it's not all survivor reruns and snyder cuts

There are a couple of things that I dislike about the Saucony peregrine 12. let's get to those now comfort specifically through the midsole while I think previous versions of the peregrine did a pretty good job of putting enough underfoot that it provided you with that additional layer of power run cushioning I think the power run usage here it's a bit on the reduced side and so for me, it's going to be a shorter effort shoe I think Saucony has sort of opened up that space in their product line to offer a new maybe ultra geared shoe which I'm going to tease that perhaps they have created what cushion and give this midsole provides is fairly minimal so uh the mileage for me tends to be on the shorter end of things while it's great for speed and faster effort I don't think I'm going to be using it for an ultra or anything over a half marathon which to me ultimately limits how I use this shoe and where it fits in my rotation durability this is more of a concern and it's also why I'm including it in my dislikes here while I do think


The shoe is holding up i have about 50 60 miles in the shoe so far i do have my concerns this power track outsole while i do like the lugs i like the shape I like the grip uh i'm not for seeing it lasting a ton of miles maybe 150 to 200 miles or so the power run midsole being a bit reduced i think that's gonna begin to flatten out a little prematurely but really where my big concern and durability uh at least the potential durability issues is with this upper these welded overlays i'm seeing a little bit of the seams begin to separate from the mesh upper and the mesh upper now being a thinner mesh upper will it hold up to the abuse of technical trails dusty climates things like that where your sweat will absorb some of those gritty materials and as you begin to flex the shoe for 150 200 miles uh we'll begin to wear those materials down i'm just a little concerned i'm not running into issues currently but i can foresee things happening so it is a concern that i just wanted to raise that flag for you consult for you but honestly that's pretty much it for dislikes it's a very simple shoe again reduce you very specific race ready tempo effort type shoe i've already mentioned that a number of times in this review so let's just get mor specific here in our breakdown where we talk about the build comfort fit price and looks starting as always with build quality i mentioned the durability concerns i'm not running into that right now but i do just based off of the upper materials sort of coming apart a little bit uh it does give me a little bit of pause comfort i think that's one of the biggest drawbacks with this shoe is that now i think the peregrine is sort of shifted and become more of a race ready shoe definitely more minimal more reduced you're going to get plenty of ground feel you'll get minimal protection it's really the elements themselves providing that protection versus the stack height or the additional millimeters of material between you and the ground the upper is comfortable and does get a good fit which brings me to fit i think that's the strongest point of this shoe is just how good of a lockdown i was able to get here in the shoe the paragon 12 i think is a good example of how a shoe can provide you with that precision fit that race-ready fit while not being alienating and way too narrow and just ruin the experience for people who might have wider feet or toes that want to splay a little bit i think this shoe has that really nice fine balance price at 130 bucks i actually think the shoe's priced okay for what you get i think it's a great uh entry level shoe a great shoe for people to add to their rotation of trail shoes if you're looking for like keeping a shoe for race day and that sort of thing if you're looking at training and logging lots of middle distance miles this may not be that kick i think 130 bucks is a pretty good price point uh bringing us two looks i don't think it's the best looking shoe but i'm aware it's not the worst looking shoe either they do make a variety of color versions so if you're looking for something to match your kit uh they do have

a lot of options for you to choose from this being their yellow-orange highlighter version um man I just feel like I've been seeing so many orange trail shoes that for me I'm like yeah it's fine but it's bold and it stands out that's for sure um so look

Some you know a little mixed on bringing us to our conclusion so i would say that the saucony peregrine 12 is a really fun shoe uh it is a shoe that i'm going to be using on those faster effort days where i want to pick up the pace i want to work on intervals or ladder workouts on trails things might get a little technical or the weather might be a little adverse i think you get a lot for very little in a little package here but if you're looking for that daily trainer this isn't necessarily the shoe that I would lean towards and while it doesn't have a lot of what previous versions had both in girth size weight everything like that it does provide a very precise and nimble ride which some of you might be looking for and might give you guys some smiles for miles which is always worth it bringing us to our final criteria is the peregrine 12 a buy try or y in its simplest form it is a try if you have not tried the peregrine before now might be a good chance to get it into rotation give it a shot those who are peregrine purists you might be of a different opinion i think those of you who are used to a bit more underfoot a bit more structure a bit stiffer platform uh this shoe might be a bit of a surprise to you and i'm actually quite curious now what you think of the peregrine12 in the comments of this video that's it for today's review everybody uh let me know what you think but if you have any questions or you want to get a pair of the peregrine 12 for yourself links in the description will take you over to running warehouse you can grab them there if you are a gr crew member uh go get the coupon code you could use that for all of your running gear at running warehouse as well that is it for today's review really fun perks on the back end including our daily live streams so much fun uh for now i'm gonna get back to work on tiger clothes our in-person race it's happening in just a matter of days

I cannot wait to see hundreds of you come to conquer our course it's an absolute beast and it's gonna be super fun some of you might even be wearing these that's it, for now, get out there train hard race harder, and part of the hardest.


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