Top 10 Benefits of Exercise


The ten proven benefits to exercise why am  I writing this article because physical inactivity or lack of exercise is a big deal in the world  but especially in the United States it's been proven that lack of activity is associated with  more mortality all right so technically physical activity and exercise aren't the same things they  technically shouldn't be used interchangeably but for our purposes, I'll just say exercise  is a more planned form of physical activity now I said exercise improves mortality this  is based on a bunch of observational studies  if you didn't know there are different types of  studies that can be done in observational studies aren't the best quality studies but it's hard  to study exercise because you can't just put people into a certain group for a certain amount  of time and then study them over time in these different categories the same applies to studying  nutrition and the same applies to studying a lot of different things in medicine what do I mean  by that okay.

So there is a study that came out on CNN saying that physical inactivity was worse  than smoking now that may or may not be true but I'm not gonna base my thinking on that one  study because I know how difficult these studies are and you can't come to definitive conclusions based on one study because there is no perfect study especially when it comes to

 Exercise and nutrition

 for example

You can't  just put people in different groups and study  them over time it doesn't work that way you  can't just have one group of okay these people  are going to smoke but not exercise these people  are going to smoke and exercise these people  are going to not smoke but they will exercise and then these people are going to not smoke and  they will exercise those four categories are each separate but you can't just lump people and  force people to do you one of those and then say ok we have 1 million in this category 1 million  in that quarter that category and that 1 million  that category another million in that category  and then say okay we're gonna watch them from  the age of 18 to 65 and then study these different  groups that would be a great study in theory but  obviously has ethically ethical issues because you  can't just say to someone hey listen for the study you're gonna smoke for a really long time because  you know we're trying to get good results here number two it's been shown to improve the  effects on the heart and the cardiovascular the system as a whole 

 For example,

 There's less risk  of coronary events meaning heart attack less risk of cardiac death there are improvements in overall  blood pressure number three exercise has been associated with improvement of insulin levels and blood sugar control meaning you're less likely to get type 2 diabetes if you have exercised  regularly also 

Nutrition plays a big part in that as does everything else

That we're talking about but we're focusing on exercise in this article. So exercise by itself has shown to have a less  likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes number four I mentioned earlier prevention of cancer  can

Exercise prevents cancer

well the studies have shown there is less likelihood of developing  certain types of cancer with routine exercise this includes 

Breast colorectal intestinal prostate  endometrial and pancreatic proven benefit   


 You're less likely to become obese if you are  beast you're likely to lose fat so exercise in and of by itself will help you lose fat dieting well  having a good nutrition plan that will help

you by yourself lose fat when you combine a good diet  with a good exercise regimen those two combined exponentially to help you lose fat it's like a fat  burner poor looking shredded 

 Decreases the chances of osteoporosis and fractures of the  bone 

This benefit is when you do weight-bearing exercises so when you're lifting weights this increases bone mineral density decreasing the risk of osteoporosis decreasing the risk of fractures, this is especially important for women who are at higher risk of osteoporosis especially as they get older number seven wants to quit smoking well exercise helps you to quit smoking.

 physical exercise is associated with a reduced risk of gall stones gall stones

are in your gall bladder well not every but they can form in your gall bladder in this little area that's right next to the liver and sometimes those gall stones can irritate the gall bladder and they can exit the gall bladder through this little canal and when that happens infection can develop there that's known as cholecystitis. 


Exercise to be associated with improved cognition 

 keeping your mind sharp now may decrease your chances of getting dementia but the

studies are not conclusive regarding that yet.

It  reduces anxiety levels reduces stress decreases your chances of becoming depressed 

now when you  think about it what happens when your exercise to talk about that runner's high but also you  get that high from when you're working out with weights or doing high-intensity interval training  what's going on there is you have this surge of norepinephrine is like adrenaline you  have norepinephrine you have dopamine going  you have serotonin all these neurotransmitters  these chemicals in your brain are flowing and it makes you feel good at that moment you're like  whoo and then what happens is you kind of comeback down to your baseline so you get this spike  in these in these chemicals natural chemicals to  your brain and then you kind of go back to your  normal baseline where you were after the workout but then what happens is you do it again and then  you go back to your new baseline which is a little a bit higher than your old baseline I need to do  it again and it'll be higher and a little higher it'll be higher after a while I could do it for  30 60 90 days start having a new baseline up to hear your brain is feeling really good more  often compared to where you started so exercise  


I recommend every day if you can maybe one or  two days off but the more the better generally speaking, of course, everyone is unique everyone  has their own genetics everyone has their own physician hopefully but generally speaking the  more exercise the better so I hope you enjoyed  


This article if you did feel free to give it  a like if you didn't feel free to dislike  it's whatever and I will make another article if you  want me to let me know in the comments below let I know what you thought about the benefits  of exercise if you've in the particular notice the benefits let me know below if you have thought let me know below


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